At its annual conference, ANZSLA makes an Award in memory of Paul Trisley who was a well respected sports lawyer and an original member of ANZSLA.  The Paul Trisley Award was named after Paul at the 2001 ANZSLA Conference, in memory of a dedicated and inaugural ANZSLA member who was best known as both a legal advisor and sporting administrator.   This Award was previously known as the 'Conference Paper'.

Paul acted for most of the sporting clubs and organisations in the Newcastle area, and much of the work he did was on a voluntary/pro bono basis.  He was granted life membership of a number of these organisations, was a Papal Knight and a year prior to his death was named the St. Thomas Moore Society Lawyer of the Year. He was jointly responsible for the holding of regular meetings of ANZSLA members and other lawyers with sporting interests for several years and played a great part in the organisation of the very successful 1997 Annual ANZSLA conference in Newcastle.

The Paul Trisley Award is made to a person who has never presented at an ANZSLA event or been previously published in the ANZSLA Journal, who, in the opinion of the judges, produces the best paper. The judging takes into account the paper's accuracy, originality, practical value to sports administrators and lawyers, and its academic quality.

Entries for the 2025 Paul Trisley Award competition must be received by ANZSLA 's Executive Manager via email to by Friday, 1 August 2025.

Further information about the Award, eligibility conditions and an article submission form can be downloaded from this page.

YearWinning PaperPaper Title
1995Lionel HoggLegal issues for sports sponsors – maximising sponsorship value
1996Catherine OrdwayWho will represent Australia at the 2000 Olympics? Case Study - Handball
1997Tracy MolloyHuman Rights Act 1993: Club and Sport Exceptions - necessary evil or unjustified erosion of the principle of non-discrimination?
1998Jane CalvertCreativity in Sport and Intellectual property
1999Martin KoslaImposing a legal duty on the governing body of a sport to alter its rules to prevent participant injury  -  an insight into Hyde’s Case
2000Michael RoweAnti-siphoning & anti-hoarding under the Broadcasting Services Act
2001Talia MetzAmbush marketing
2002Aaron PickettHIV in sport
2003Stuart BarnardSecondary victims and their recovery from mental injury
2004Matthew Bradford  Sport, gender and law
2005Richard RedmanA closer look at cost awards in the Court of Arbitration for Sport
2006Simon JohnsonShow me the money!  Player agents and conflicts of interest
2007Paul HorvathLeague structure, economics and best governance practice in metropolitan Australian Football Leagues
2008Kiri Hill-DunneIt’s just not cricket – Charitable Trusts ought to be more sporting
2009Alex CampbellWith specific regard to NZ, what action has, and should be done, to constrain sportspeople from competing with countries in breach of international jus cogens norms?
2011David TroddenWests Tigers Rugby League Football v National Rugby League – the case that could have stopped the NRL
2012Matthew NicholasThe field of play doctrine: social convenience and rigorous legal reasoning
2013Tenille Burnside An analysis of the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code
2014Victoria Wark All for one and one for all.... for how much longer?  How WADA could fix the Code to tackle doping in professional team sport
2015Anthony Crocker The integrity of sport and the privilege against self-incrimination – is ASADA playing by the rules?


Callum FlemingThe I in Team: Issues for Team Sports under the World-Anti Doping Code


Sarah Copley Levelling the playing field or unfair advantage?  How to regulate the use of assistive technology by disabled athletes   

 2020    Peter Divitcos         Match-Fixing in Sport: A Coordinated, Targeted and Comprehensive Network of Actors

 2021    Millie Jones            No right without a remedy: integrating human rights protection into sports dispute resolution

 2022    Marie Mills             Enlisting cultural change in the battle against corruption in sport

2023     Mark Giancaspro    'Tanking' in Australian Rules Football: Brainy Coaching or Breach of Contract?