Webinar: Anti-doping in the COVID-19 environment with SIA and DFSNZ, moderated by Ian Hunt
3:00pm Thursday, 23 July 2020
4:00pm Thursday, 23 July 2020
3.00pm to 4.00pm (AEST) / 5.00pm to 6.00pm (NZ)
ANZSLA invites you to attend a sports law webinar with Hayden Tapper (Acting Programme Director, Testing and Investigations, Drug Free Sport New Zealand), Emma Johnson (Deputy CEO, Legal, Education and Engagement, Sport Integrity Australia), and Ian Hunt (ANZSLA Life Member; Partner, Young Hunter Lawyers; & Director, High Performance Sport NZ), discussing anti-doping in the COVID-19 environment.
Legal practitioners may claim 1 CPD point for attendance at this event.
This free webinar is open to ANZSLA members only. Please register your details on the form available from this page. A Zoom link will then be sent under separate cover in advance of this webinar