ANZSLA/JSLA Webinar: Australian Open 2021 & Tokyo 2020: Response to COVID-19
ANZSLA and the Japan Sports Law Association (JSLA) invite you to attend a webinar discussing the COVID-19 responses from two major sports events – the Australian Open 2021 and Tokyo 2020 with guest speakers: Daniel Stuk (Senior Legal Counsel, Tennis Australia); and Shoichi Sugiyama (Partner, Field-R Law Offices, Japan). Daniel will be discussing his experience leading the biosecurity team for the 2021 Australian Open, focusing on the planning for and responses to COVID-19 and Shoichi will discuss the Tokyo 2020 Playbooks and the COVID19 planning underway for Tokyo 2020. The session will be introduced by Rebecca Hooper (ANZSLA Director; and Legal Counsel, New Zealand Rugby).
This free webinar is open to ANZSLA and JSLA members only.
Legal practitioners may be able to claim 1 CPD point for attendance at this event.
Please register on the form available from this page.