ANZSLA Webinar: Changes to Employment Laws & The Impact on Professional & Community Sports
5:00pm Tuesday, 14 May 2024
6:00pm Tuesday, 14 May 2024
5.00pm to 6.00pm (AEST)
ANZSLA invites you to attend a webinar with expert guest speakers Jacquie Seemann and Mark Branagan (Partners, Thomson Geer). This session will be introduced by Annette Greenhow (ANZSLA Director).
This webinar will provide important updates on employment changes and the impact of those changes on professional and community sports, including:
- how workers in sport are engaged, focusing on the concepts of independent contractors, casuals and hobbyists
- new wage theft laws and penalties, and why sporting organisations might fall foul of these
- new restrictions on fixed/maximum term contracts, and what this means for athletes v coaches v administrators
- the prohibition on pay secrecy
- how we work – the right to disconnect
- the Respect@work reforms, the positive duty, and the impact on sportspeople
This free webinar is open to ANZSLA members only (members must login to the website to gain access).
Legal practitioners may claim CPD for attendance at this event.
Please register via the form at the bottom of this page. A Zoom link will then be emailed in advance of the webinar.